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About Us

A lot has changed since we established in 1972. It is a different world, very different.
But on thing has not changed.........our commitment to quality and service
Quality in our fabrics, from best mills out of Italy, France and Japan
Quality in our making, using only best makers. Every garment made in Australia
Quality in our service. Our team are passionate about our brand, and serving our customer.
Our range has always stayed current, our garments do not have a "use by date".
And we are always aware of value for money, now more than ever.
We subscribe to the quote of legendary English designer Vivien Westwood.........
 "Buy less, but buy better"
Economies are challenging and priorities even more challenging, but we still need
To reward ourselves. We still need to look good, we still need to feel good.
We love what we do and how we do it. We love our product and our connection
with our customers. We are grateful to our team, our makers and our suppliers.

 Charlie Digby 2024

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